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LWPTSA Special Needs Group

Please see the Lake Washington PTSA Council’s website for all monthly meeting dates and topics, as well as many different resources for parents with children on IEPs and 504s. Some resources apply to all students and some to certain disabilities.


Getting Ready for College for students with IEPs or 504 Plans

Information for parents with eighth grade and high school students

The Lake Washington PTSA Council Special Needs Group and the Special Services department have created a document titled Getting Ready for College for students with IEPs or 504 Plans. This document addresses when and how to ask for ACT and PSAT/SAT/AP accommodations. This information is current as of September 2015.

Getting Ready for College for students with IEPs or 504 Plans is a summary to assist you in assessing the differences in requesting accommodations for the ACT, the College Board's PSAT, SAT and AP (Advanced Placement) tests. In addition to working closely with your high school's Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) Coordinator, we strongly recommend all families review each organization's detailed websites before you begin the formal application process. This document should serve as a short overview to help you get started.